Maximum security for your videos with individual watermark settings

Room Settings – Custom Watermarks and Resolutions
In a production environment where every detail counts, the video feedback tool now offers you the ability to tailor settings for watermarks and resolutions for each room. Whether in the editorial, marketing, or dailies room, you can decide individually which watermarks and what video resolutions are best suited for each. This flexibility allows you to precisely meet the needs of each part or department of your project.

New Watermark Settings – Flexibility with Free Text
We’re expanding your security options with our new free-text watermark settings. From now on, you can use not only standard PNG watermarks but also integrate free-text watermarks. This provides you the flexibility to quickly and easily insert texts such as copyright notices, project names, or other important information directly into the image. Perfect for rapid adjustments or when you need to highlight different information in various parts of your projects.

Maximum Security with Personalized Watermarks
At, we're taking the security of your videos to the next level. You can now activate personalized watermarks on a per-room basis. Each video will feature a unique watermark, embedding the user's name and user-id directly into the video overlay. This overlay is permanently rendered into the videos, ensuring that it cannot be easily removed with browser tools.

Automatic Rendering – Say Goodbye to Manual Re-Rendering!
With our new feature of automatic rendering, manual re-rendering is a thing of the past. You can now make adjustments to video resolutions and watermarks, and all changes will be automatically applied not only to future uploads but also to existing derivatives. If you replace a clip or modify a playlist, everything will automatically be re-rendered, including all Directlinks with individual watermarks and resolution settings. Save valuable time and let handle the details.

Tip: For the most precise positioning of text and logo in your watermarks, you can continue to use PNGs with alpha channel in the format of your videos (usually HD resolution). A straightforward and cost-free online tool for creating PNGs is Photopea .

Published at: July 03, 2024 10:00 AM

Maximum security for your v...

Upload file attachments to comments and board cards

A common challenge in video approvals is that a simple comment or drawing in one frame might not be sufficient. Sometimes, additional information is required, whether in the form of hand-drawn sketches or Excel lists with tasks. From now on, you can make your approvals in even more efficient without resorting to separate communication channels like emails.

You can attach files of up to 10 MB directly to a comment. Whether it's scribbles, Excel lists, or other file formats – everything you need for a comprehensive approval can now be seamlessly integrated with your comments. All users with the necessary permissions can not only see and write comments but also add attachments to comments and download all comments along with attachments. Even non-registered users who have received an approval link can use this feature.

But doesn't only bring new features to video approvals. In addition to comments, there are also the proven Kanban Boards that facilitate project management and team collaboration. This feature has now been expanded so that you can also upload attachments to Kanban board cards. This integration allows for an even smoother connection of files to specific tasks and helps keep track of project progress. Test the new features today and experience how easy and efficient collaboration in your team can be.

Published at: February 14, 2024 11:00 AM

Upload file attachments to ...

Create Kanban board cards directly from videos and comments

The Kanban boards enable you to manage your film project with ease and without a lot of overhead. In the hustle and bustle of film production, working through many tasks can quickly become confusing. A quick and effortless overview of the status of individual work steps is worth its weight in gold. The Kanban boards support you on your way to the finished product.

It is now even easier for you to create Kanban board cards. You can create a Kanban card by right-clicking on a comment, a playlist, a clip, a gallery or a file.

A possible workflow could look like this, for example: You want to carry out an edit or VFX approval and distribute the videos to the director, post-supervisor and producer using a review link. The decision-makers view the videos and give their feedback on clips and frames and leave annotations in the video about the desired changes. However, the collected feedback must now be converted into individual work packages. This is where the Kanban board cards come into play. You simply right-click on a comment or a clip and create a Kanban card for it. In the next step, you decide in which column the card should end up, usually in the To Do column. You can give the card a title and optionally a more detailed description. But why do you need a Kanban board if you can also comment in a playlist? The advantages of Kanban board cards are obvious:

• You can discuss change requests internally first. With Kanban board cards, you open up parallel internal communication that is only visible to the people who have access to your Kanban board.

• You are not cut off from further communication on the "public" playlist. All communication updates from the playlist are displayed on the board card, so you don't miss anything.

• You can assign board cards to your colleagues who will take care of processing the changes.

• Depending on which column a card is in, you can see immediately whether the task is still in the To Do, is already being processed or has perhaps even been completed.

• If you subscribe to a board, you are automatically informed about changes.

Project management can be that easy.

Published at: January 23, 2024 03:00 PM

Create Kanban board cards d...

Synchronized Video Collaboration with and Timecodes

The field of film production is a dynamic and collaborative environment that requires seamless coordination among various team members, ranging from the camera department and dailies crew to directors, editors, producers, conformers, and beyond. In this ever-evolving landscape, effective communication is paramount, and this is where steps in to optimize collaboration and streamline workflows.

More than just a platform for uploading and sharing videos, functions as a communication hub, a video review tool, and a data repository throughout the entire film production workflow. This includes the smooth import and export of proxy files with metadata and comments, taking into consideration the original timecodes.

Timecode plays a pivotal role in every phase of production. During shooting, efforts are made to ensure the synchronization of image and sound despite different recording devices. This synchronization allows a Digital Imaging Technician (DIT), dailies operator, and assistant editor to effortlessly sync image and sound material with just one click. In cases where the timecode is asynchronous, manual synchronization of picture and sound becomes necessary. Following dailies grading, proxies for the editing room are created, retaining the original timecode. This timecode is later utilized to reference the original camera files (OCF). The timecode traverses the entire production chain within audio and video, playing a crucial role in ensuring a seamless workflow.

While typically operates with proxy files like MOV and MP4, as opposed to OCF, it is imperative that these proxy files share the same timecodes as the files in the editing tool and the OCF. reads this timecode and generates streaming files with the timecode information identical to the originals. The Video Player plays videos with the original timecode and allows the setting of comments with frame accuracy, opening up various use cases:

Know what you are talking about
"This one take from the shooting day at the harbor where the main characters are arguing has a team reflection in the middle of the shot!" Never talk like that again! With you are always aware of the Original Camera Filename, the Scene and Take information, and the actual Timecode. So you'd rather say "Shot A011C005, Scene 109-02, Take 3 from shooting day 5 has a team reflection in the car at timecode 13:29:49:13. Please check that" 😉

Exporting review comments from into editing systems:
If you carry out edit approvals with, you can import all review comments back into the video editing software such as Avid Media Composer or Adobe Premiere. The timecode assigned to each comment ensures that the comment appears in the correct position in the timeline of the editing system.

Importing markers from the editing system to
If there are markers in the timeline of your editing system that indicate future VFX shots, for example, you can upload them to and they will be placed on the video with timecode accuracy.

Moreover, facilitates the import of Avid Log Exchange (ALE) files, which may contain timecode information such as start and end time codes. While collects and provides access to this data via the metadata interface, these timecodes do not impact the streaming and proxy files. The original file's timecode, uploaded to, remains the authoritative source.

Published at: January 15, 2024 08:00 AM

Synchronized Video Collabor... File Management: Easier, Faster, More Efficient

We have upgraded our File Browser and aligned its features with those of a native file browser. This modernization brings numerous benefits that will significantly enhance your work and interaction with files on our platform. Adapting to native systems not only creates a familiar working environment for existing users but also facilitates the onboarding of new team members who are already familiar with common file management functions. In this blog post, we will introduce the exciting new features and possibilities in detail.

Where have the checkboxes gone?

An important part of our modernization involves removing checkboxes in the File Browser. Instead of complex selection mechanisms, a simple click is now sufficient to mark files and folders. A double-click opens the selected item. This makes the user interface more straightforward and the operation faster and more efficient. With just a few mouse clicks, short mouse movements, and even less precise clicking, you can mark and open items.

On touch devices such as smartphones and tablets, the behavior is adapted to that of native mobile systems. A short tap opens the item, while a long press initiates the selection mode.

Capturing folders and files with the Lasso

Instead of clicking on each element individually, you can now mark them with the Lasso. Hold down the mouse button and draw a rectangular box around the items you want to select. Everything inside this box will be selected. Holding down Command allows you to add or remove individual items from the selection with a click. Pressing Shift allows you to enlarge the selection from one item to another with a click.

New Shortcuts

Introducing familiar shortcuts further accelerates operation. You can select all items with Command + A. Command + Backspace deletes the selected items.

A somewhat less native but often desired feature is copying file names. Pressing Command + C copies the names of all selected items to the clipboard. You can then paste these names into any other program, such as Microsoft Excel, for further processing using Command + V.

Quick Access to Key Context Menu Functions

Hovering over an item now displays a quick access menu on the right side. This menu includes functions for direct download, renaming, and opening a preview.

We hope that these modernizations will make your experience with even more enjoyable and efficient. We are always committed to improving your experience and look forward to your feedback. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Published at: January 09, 2024 12:00 AM File Management:...

Import comments and markers into

In film production, a seamless workflow is of the utmost importance. Comments and markers are essential tools that enhance communication and ensure consistency across different applications. They enable directors, producers, editors, and actors to leave notes, feedback, and suggestions at specific timecodes or scenes. This open communication fosters collaboration and ensures that the creative vision is shared and understood by the entire team., as a central communication platform, not only allows comments and markers to be left. It is possible to draw directly into the images and videos, comments can be marked as done and filtered. And now new: Markers that were created at an earlier time can be seamlessly imported into Likewise the collected markers can be exported. can thus contribute to an improvement of the workflow across different applications.

Our new import function allows you to upload Final Cut Pro XML, Premiere CSV, Avid XML and CSV as well as Davinci Resolve EDL files. automatically detects the uploaded file format and imports the comments and markers from the provided file. Once imported, the comment functions can also be applied to the imported comments and markers. This means that they can be marked as done, filtered and replied to, for example. Also in the comment export the so enriched information can be downloaded for further processing and can be passed on.

Given that markers and comments typically contain information about a single frame or a specific time range, rather than the entire video file, the timecode of the import file has to match that of the videos in

Published at: September 25, 2023 02:00 PM

Import comments and markers...

New metadata integration between and LockitScript

After no less than 32 years, the second part of Manta Manta will be released in German cinemas on March 30. Not only the actors have aged three decades, but also the film technology has developed significantly. While the first part was shot in analog, the second part was recorded with an Alexa Mini as the main camera, and the workflow for the second part is also completely digital.

Some script supervisors still work analog, but for "Manta Manta Zwoter Teil" the script supervisor app LockitScript was used together with the Lockit Webtools. The big advantage here is that all the comments and metadata from the Script Supervisor go digitally into the editing room and into the Webgate dailies platform, and there is no digital break using paper.

Even though the workflow using LockitScript was digital before, the post-production metadata had to be manually enriched with LockitScript metadata. Afterwards, the new metadata was uploaded manually to Webgate, thus enriching the dailies with metadata. This detour is now completely eliminated! All existing metadata can now be transferred from LockitScript to Webgate at the push of a button.

During the production "Manta Manta Zwoter Teil" the connection was discovered rather by chance by DIT Ronny Langer and he was so enthusiastic about it that he worked with it until the end of shooting. We were thus able to prove on a living object that a few clicks are enough to automatically transfer all metadata from LockitScript to Webgate. This saves time and prevents errors.

The new integration between and LockitScript is an innovative solution, made for the smooth delivery of dailies. DITs can save valuable time and focus on creative work while the metadata is automatically and correctly transferred to Want to learn more about the workflow at "Manta Manta Zwoter Teil", you can read a Case Study at Lockit or see how exactly the connection between the two tools works.

Published at: March 29, 2023 05:00 PM

New metadata integration be...

Introducing Timecode Input: A Faster Way to Navigate Videos

Have you ever been in the middle of a long video and had trouble using fast forward, rewind, or frame by frame navigation to jump to a specific scene based on a timecode?

Well, we have some good news for you: our latest video player feature now allows you to enter a timecode via keyboard, and the player will automatically jump to the exact frame you need.

When you visit a playlist you can simply enter a timecode by pressing your number keys on your keyboard. The playhead instantly jumps to the exact moment you need, without having to click multiple times or scrub through the video. A timecode is represented as hours, minutes, seconds, and frames separated by a colon. If you want to jump to a timecode you just need to enter the numbers without colon. By entering 01230912 the playhead jumps to 01:23:09:12. You do not need to enter a complete timecode. By entering 0123 and press enter, you will navigate to 01:23:00:00. When start typing a simple timecode interface shows up to make it more easy to type. You can also correct your input by pressing backspace or abort by hitting ESC.

In addition to its benefits for video navigation, timecode input can also be a game-changer for video approvals and reviews. When reviewing a video with multiple stakeholders, it can be challenging to communicate exactly which moment in the video you are referring to. By using timecode input, you can quickly and easily jump to the exact frame you want to discuss, making the review process smoother and more efficient.

Published at: March 01, 2023 11:00 AM

Introducing Timecode Input:...

Tag and mark comments as done

Are you looking for a more efficient way to manage your video approvals and photo galleries? When using’s image and video commenting tools you are already aware of our comment features which allows you to write and draw feedback frame by frame.

We've added labels and mark as done to comments to make approval processes more efficient for you and your post-production team.

Don't get disturbed by comments on already made changes. The possibility to mark your comments as done helps you and your team to concentrate on the work which lies ahead of you. A filter allows you to hide comments that are marked as done and helps you to focus on the comments that are most relevant and require your attention.

You already know the possibility to label or tag your content when using as your online file and video storage. To improve overall efficiency and accessibility we now added labels also to comments. There might exist comments on the story, comments on sound, comments on the text that needs to appear on a certain frame etc., all in one very long chaotic list. The possibility to assign a label with text and colour now helps to create structure in the list of comments. These labels can be derived from the room's labels in which the playlist or gallery lies, or you can add new labels. This feature makes it easier for you to identify and categorize different types of comments, and it also helps you to stay organized and on track.

With these new features, offers even more flexibility and control over your video approvals and photo galleries. Try it out today and experience the difference for yourself and we're looking forward to your Feedback

Published at: February 23, 2023 11:00 AM

Tag and mark comments as done

Securing Your Directlinks: The New Password Strength Feature in

As filmmakers, it's essential to protect the sensitive content we work with. That's why we're excited to announce a new feature in, the video collaboration platform: the ability to see the strength of the password you create when you create a Directlink with password. Not only that, but you can also copy the password to your clipboard.

In today's digital age, it's more important than ever to make sure our passwords are secure. Unfortunately, many people still use weak passwords that are easy to guess or crack. With's new password strength feature, creating a strong password is easy.

When you create a Directlink with password in, you'll be prompted to set a password. As you type, the password strength indicator will show you the strength of your password in real-time. The indicator uses five bars, so you can easily see if your password is weak, fair, good, or strong.

Not only does this feature help you create a stronger password, but it also makes it more convenient to share it with others. After you've set your password, you can simply click the "copy to clipboard" button to save it to your clipboard. This means you can easily share the password with others without having to type it out or worry about mistyping it.

In conclusion, the new password strength feature in is a great way to protect your sensitive content and keep it safe. We hope you take advantage of this new feature and encourage you to use strong and secure passwords for your Directlinks with password.

To make content even more safe, you can also render visual watermarks into the video or use the Directlinks with one-time password. If you want to learn more about sharing content please visit our Directlinks page.

Published at: January 30, 2023 09:00 AM

Securing Your Directlinks: ...