Generating Directlinks for a gallery
A Directlink to a gallery makes the images accessible to users without an Webgate account.

Galerie Ansicht
- Open the gallery and click on "Directlinks" to give people who do not have an Webgate account temporary access to your gallery.
- In the "Basic settings" you can name a Directlink to make it easier to find. If you do not enter a name, the Directlink will automatically be given a name depending on its content.
Using the "Validity" dropdown menu you can determine how long a Directlink is to remain available.
You can then change the validity period afterwards in the Browser screen using the context menu and the Directlink share symbol. A Directlink expires automatically at the end of the validity period. - You can give the Directlink a password.
- You can ask to be notified by e-mail if someone accesses the Directlink. You can also have the notification sent to other e-mail addresses, separating these addresses with a comma when you enter them.
Under "Advanced settings" a Directlink can be additionally secured or additional functions enabled. You have the
following options:
- Restrict to certain users. You can use the e-mail addresses of the Webgate users in question, separated by a comma, or select them from a list of users.
- Enable max. usage count. limits the number of page accesses.
- Show comments.
- Enable Webgate users to write comments. Only Webgate users can use this function. If the recipient of the Directlink does not have an Webgate account it is possible to create an account through the Directlink. The user will then be able to write comments. Comments are given an additional marking if a user comments via a Directlink and does not have the regular rights to comment on the item. Users with the authorization to write comments can also see other comments.
- Show votes. This displays the results of the votes to the user.
- Enable Webgate user to vote. Only Webgate users can use this function. If the recipient of the Directlink does not have an Webgate account it is possible to create an account through the Directlink. The user will then be able to vote. Users with the authorization to vote can also see the votes of other users.
- Decide whether the pictures of the gallery should be downloadable through the Directlink as ZIP or not.
- Click on "Generate Directlink" to create a Directlink. It can then be copied or sent as an e-mail.

The gallery can be viewed by clicking on the Directlink.
- If the ZIP download is allowed through the Directlink creator a zip file of the images in the gallery can be downloaded using the "Downloads" tab.